Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Barack Obama has awakened a sleeping nation
Gary Hubbell
Aspen Times Weekly
Barack Obama is the best thing that has happened to America in the last 100 years. Truly, he is the savior of America 's future. He is the best thing ever.
Despite the fact that he has some of the lowest approval ratings among recent presidents, history will see Barack Obama as the source of America 's resurrection. Barack Obama has plunged the country into levels of debt that we could not have previously imagined; his efforts to nationalize health care have been met with fierce resistance nationwide; TARP bailouts and stimulus spending have shown little positive effect on the national economy; unemployment is unacceptably high and looks to remain that way for most of a decade; legacy entitlement programs have ballooned to unsustainable levels, and there is a seething anger in the populace.
That's why Barack Obama is such a good thing for America .
Obama is the symbol of a creeping liberalism that has infected our society like a cancer for the last 100 years. Just as Hitler is the face of fascism, Obama will go down in history as the face of unchecked liberalism. The cancer metastasized to the point where it could no longer be ignored.
Average Americans who have quietly gone about their lives, earning a paycheck, contributing to their favorite charities, going to high school football games on Friday night, spending their weekends at the beach or on hunting trips - they've gotten off the fence. They've woken up. There is a level of political activism in this country that we haven't seen since the American Revolution, and Barack Obama has been the catalyst that has sparked a restructuring of the American political and social consciousness.
Think of the crap we've slowly learned to tolerate over the past 50 years as liberalism sought to re-structure the America that was the symbol of freedom and liberty to all the people of the world. Immigration laws were ignored on the basis of compassion. Welfare policies encouraged irresponsibility, the fracturing of families, and a cycle of generations of dependency. Debt was regarded as a tonic to lubricate the economy. Our children left school having been taught that they are exceptional and special, while great numbers of them cannot perform basic functions of mathematics and literacy. Legislators decided that people could not be trusted to defend their own homes, and stripped citizens of their rights to own firearms. Productive members of society have been penalized with a heavy burden of taxes in order to support legions of do-nothings who loll around, reveling in their addictions, obesity, indolence, ignorance and "disabilities." Criminals have been arrested and re-arrested, coddled and set free to pillage the citizenry yet again. Lawyers routinely extort fortunes from doctors, contractors and business people with dubious torts.
We slowly learned to tolerate these outrages, shaking our heads in disbelief, and we went on with our lives.
But Barack Obama has ripped the lid off a seething cauldron of dissatisfaction and unrest.
In the time of Barack Obama, Black Panther members stand outside polling places in black commando uniforms, slapping truncheons into their palms. ACORN - a taxpayer-supported organization - is given a role in taking the census, even after its members were caught on tape offering advice to set up child prostitution rings. A former Communist is given a paid government position in the White House as an advisor to the president. Auto companies are taken over by the government, and the auto workers' union - whose contracts are completely insupportable in any economic sense - is rewarded with a stake in the company. Government bails out Wall Street investment bankers and insurance companies, who pay their executives outrageous bonuses as thanks for the public support. Terrorists are read their Miranda rights and given free lawyers. And, despite overwhelming public disapproval, Barack Obama has pushed forward with a health care plan that would re-structure one-sixth of the American economy.
I don't know about you, but the other day I was at the courthouse doing some business, and I stepped into the court clerk's office and changed my voter affiliation from "Independent" to "Republican." I am under no illusion that the Republican party is perfect, but at least they're starting to awaken to the fact that we cannot sustain massive levels of debt; we cannot afford to hand out billions of dollars in corporate subsidies; we have to somehow trim our massive entitlement programs; we can no longer be the world's policeman and dole out billions in aid to countries whose citizens seek to harm us.
Literally millions of Americans have had enough. They're organizing, they're studying the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, they're reading history and case law, they're showing up at rallies and meetings, and a slew of conservative candidates are throwing their hats into the ring.. Is there a revolution brewing? Yes, in the sense that there is a keen awareness that our priorities and sensibilities must be radically re-structured. Will it be a violent revolution? No. It will be done through the interpretation of the original document that has guided us for 220 years - the Constitution. Just as the pendulum swung to embrace political correctness and liberalism, there will be a backlash, a complete repudiation of a hundred years of nonsense. A hundred years from now, history will perceive the year 2010 as the time when America got back on the right track. And for that, we can thank Barack Hussein Obama.
Gary Hubbell is a hunter, rancher, and former hunting and fly-fishing guide. Gary works as a Colorado ranch real estate broker. He can be reached through his website, aspenranchrealestate.com
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Pondering Sarah Palin as the next GOP chair
The latest hearsay circling the politico rumor mill is that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin could be the perfect fit as the next chairwoman of the Republican Party. She does have an ability to raise money, as well as sellout venues. Plus she is the author of a nationally known bestselling book and has an enormous loyal following, particularly among Tea Party faithful. But are those kinds of credentials enough to qualify her to succeed Michael Steele?
Only time will tell. In the meantime, we know this:
The Republican National Committee is a completely different ballgame than what Palin is typically accustomed to. It is a business with a lot of fundamental planning, grassroots organizing and execution.
Just take a look at the many gaffes by the current chairman and one will quickly learn that there is a lot more to the job than making stump speeches on behalf of candidates, appearing on Fox News or writing books. Knowing strategy, like the well-planned get-out-the-vote action during the 2004 election, is an absolute must for any party to be successful. Of course, one could make the argument that Palin has had triumph as an executive presiding over a tough business known as a state, but is that the kind of party experience Republicans are looking for?
Remember, party operatives rely on the RNC as a mission control center, especially when conducting state-by-state operations.
One thing is for certain: Whoever takes over as the next RNC chair will have to do a better job at raising money, bottom line. In a political year such as this, where the GOP has been given an endless amount of ammunition from an increasingly unpopular White House, the money should be pouring in. Simply put, money equals advertising, and politics is no different when it comes to marketing and brand labeling. Without it, Republicans can only hope to make modest gains.
Recently, Palin’s political action committee has come out of nowhere to become a major player in fundraising. Being able to secure large amounts of money for candidates could help her cause, should she choose to run for party chair.
And perhaps a larger and often overlooked Palin appeal is her current strategy aimed at pulling a major voting bloc away from the Democrats in this year’s crucial mid-term elections. Her target is women, and if she were to get elected RNC chair in the near future, she would become only the second woman in GOP history to be put in charge of the party while bolstering her identity among all female voters.
After the smoke has cleared from this year’s election cycle, Palin will have plenty of time to evaluate her move. If her handpicked candidates are successful, coupled with a GOP takeover of the House, she could position herself in the driver’s seat for RNC chair. But if the Republicans raise little money, Palin’s candidates do poorly and the Democrats crawl out of the mid-terms still in control, she will have to regroup on where to go from here.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Uh oh, stoners: Even synthetic marijuana is getting banned
I guess it’s time for legions of marijuana smokers to descend upon the state capital in Missouri, calling for legislators to die in a fire and declaring them to be dickheads and the Antichrist. Because more of their chemical-induced fun has just been taken away.
Missouri has now become the fifth state to ban a sort of synthetic marijuana called K2, which looks a lot like incense and which you could heretofore purchase at gas stations and the like.
The appeal of K2 is that it mimics the high you get from smoking pot, but doesn’t show up on any drug tests, so you can continue to spend your life in a stupor without your employer noticing – except for the fact that your reports read like lyrics from a Pink Floyd album.
Poor dears. Every time someone points out negative information about marijuana, or even a fake version thereof, they act as though their child has been kidnapped. I write columns on this page about everything from economics to foreign policy and all points in between.
On any other topic, I’ll get a handful of comments, many of which disagree and almost all of which calmly and rationally explain where, in the opinion of the reader, I’ve gone wrong.
When I write about marijuana, I easily get 10 to 20 times the comments I get on any other subject, and the comments are nothing if not colorful. Here are a few choice snippets from comments on my column last Thursday regarding a possible link between pot-smoking and bipolar-related psychosis:
- A false prophet and an anti-christ. That is what you are.
- die in a fire, mr Dan Calabrese, fucking little pig
- Unamused and disgusted that you would take the government coin to peddle political piddle. (I’m getting government money for writing this? When? – DC)
- Please stop wasting valuable paper you hack!!
- what a twat,really what a complete dickhead,
- Dan Calabrese have you had your mental state evaluated by an upstanding psychiatrist lately?
- What a fucking asshole!!!..
- Fuck you.
Dude. And it was my understanding that the weed makes you mellow. Guess not.
To be fair, there were some more substantive arguments offered, and you can see the whole thread here. But everyone danced around the point. I noted one study that indicated theremight be a causal connection between pot-smoking and eventual psychosis, and pointed out that it’s stupid to risk it because no oneneeds to get stoned – when God has already put the natural chemicals into your body that allow you to enjoy life to the fullest without introducing any foreign ones.
Pot smokers are determined to deny any possible negative effect, no matter how plausible, because they are bound and determined to keep getting stoned. They. Cannot. Stop. It will ruin their lives.
How dumb are pot smokers? One guy on Facebook actually compared the ingestion of THC to get him high to reading books. And of course, everyone tells me I have no right to express an opinion about it if I’ve never actually tried it – as if getting stoned gives you all the information you need about its long-term health effects.
Stop any drunk driver on New Years Eve and ask him about cirrhosis of the liver. I’m sure he’ll be an expert! At least if you think like a pot-smoker thinks.
There is a reason pot-smokers direct all this anger at me every time I write about their cherished weed: Although they deny it, they are addicted – psychologically if not physically, and quite possibly both. A few of them even go so far as to admit it, telling how smoking pot is their method for coping with life.
This is why pot-smokers flood my comment section with this sort of stuff every time I write on the subject. This is why they tell me on “cannabis forums” to “eat your own shit,” which is a funny comment coming from a pot-smoker, who is always insisting pot is great because it’s from nature. Dude. So is shit. You go first.
You react with great hysteria when someone threatens the thing without which you have decided you cannot live. You regard the carrier of this message as a mortal enemy who must be destroyed at all costs. If you depend on your freedom to get stoned in order to make it through life, you cannot – cannot – stand by while anyone points out the potential problems associated with what you’re doing.
You will come up with nullification arguments to try to silence this information.No one who hasn’t tried it can say anything! Thus, everyone but pot-smokers are eliminated from the discussion. Nice try, Arlo.
Look, I realize that the blowback against the war on drugs the past 20 years or so has been fierce, and somewhat effective. So many people refuse to deal with the realities of life, the pot-smoking population has grown exponentially, which I guess is why I get five or six comments when I write about taxes but 50 to 100 when I write about this.
But just because growing numbers of people believe something – and dosomething – doesn’t mean they’re right. It might just mean that society is spiraling out of control as people abandon all pretense of self-restraint and give themselves over to every conceivable indulgence.
Perhaps the same willful denial that has led the nation to the brink of fiscal calamity is enabling these people to wreak havoc on the natural chemicals in their brain without giving a thought to the long-term effects.
And even if I one day find myself as a minority of one, I really don’t care. When information comes out about the dangers of marijuana smoking, I will tell you about them, and the inevitable comments will be predictable.
If you are bound and determined to go through life stupefied, I can’t stop you. But I am bound and determined to talk about the price you and others are liable to pay for your rejection of sound, sobriety. And you can’t stop me either.
Have at it, stoners.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Can the public’s confidence in government at any level survive?
By Dan Calabrese - The North Star National
A curious “controversy” has momentarily been stilled in Pontiac, Michigan, where the city’s state-appointed “emergency financial manager” has moved on from his job after several years of force-feeding local elected officials rational financial decisions.
Fred Leeb turned Pontiac’s budget from a red-ink-bleeding catastrophe to a healthy situation with a $3 million surplus, although it remains to be seen if the locals can keep things that way.
You think they're mad now . . .
Down the road in Detroit, another state-appointed emergency financial manager, Robert Bobb, battles the local school board daily to achieve some sort of fiscal sanity.
These are two examples of a troubling fact of life in American governance: Fiscal irresponsibility is not limited to Washington D.C., nor is it limited to state capitals like Sacramento and Springfield, where officials have taken to sending out IOUs in lieu of actually paying their bills.
At just about every level, government has been irresponsible and spent more than it had – or at least more than it could sustain over the long term. Federal, state, county, local – you name it. During the boom times of the 1990s and the mid-2000s, elected officials made big-time spending commitments, sweetened union contracts and increased hiring.
And don’t leave school districts out of this. They are the biggest offenders of all, as they regularly bend over and acquiesce to anything teachers unions want to demand – all as the price for labor peace.
This house of cards could stand as long as there was someone at the level above you who was willing to cover your losses. The locals, the counties and the school districts ran short? They looked to the states. The states ran short, they looked to Washington for federal aid. Congressman and senators, regardless of party, would make sure their states got what they needed.
Washington ran short of money to do all this because of exploding entitlement obligations it refused to reform? It would simply print more money or borrow it – from everyone from domestic bond-buyers to the communist Chinese.
Washington finds itself with a debt approaching the entire gross domestic product? Washington forms a commission to study the issue.
The danger here is that public confidence in government at all levels is heading for a complete collapse. The public is starting to get the message that none of the people it elects have been dealing with fiscal reality. Not the mayor or the city council. Not the superintendent and the school board. Not the governor or the legislature. Certainly not your congressman or your senator.
And certainly not Barack Obama.
More than once in recent generations, we have had “change elections” in which the public was so fed up that anyone who yammered on about “change” could win. It was like that in 1992. It was like that in 2008. But no matter what happened in elections like these, one thing didn’t change: Public officials at every level kept spending.
If the public is really getting the message that government at every level is driving the nation toward bankruptcy, the result may well be a determined and permanent push back in the direction of limited government – and that would be a good thing.
But even though I am a limited-government guy, I still want the public to have confidence in the basic institution of government. Not that those in charge of these institutions deserve said confidence at the moment, but if the public by and large loses all faith in the very idea of representative democracy – having been so seriously hosed by those entrusted with the practice of it – elected officials, even the good ones we might elect to replace the slugs we have now, might find themselves incapable of governing because they are essentially operating without the confidence or the consent of the governed.
This is one of the reasons I do not like libertarians. They want the public to lack faith in government. To them, that’s the objective. I want the public to expect less of government, and to hold it more accountable for performing its more limited duties in a responsible manner. But if government comes through, I want the public to respond by giving good elected officials its trust.
The more clear it becomes to the public just how badly government has been operating at every level, the less plausible this seems. And what we get if all confidence in government breaks down – however justifiably – is not good at all.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home
Monday, July 5, 2010
Another City Lost to the United States
Boasting a population that is 97% Hispanic, more than half foreign born, and 40% illegal, the Los Angeles County, Calif., incorporated city of Maywood has achieved the Reconquista goal. It is now as lawless and chaotic as any place in Mexico. Maywood is a warning to every city and town in America.
The Maywood City Council announced this week that after years of radical policies, corruption and scandal, the city was broke and all city employees would be laid off and essential city services contracted out to neighboring cities or to L.A. County government.
How did this happen? Until recently, Maywood was the model for "brown power" politics.
Maywood was the first California city with an elected Hispanic City Council, one of the first "sanctuary" cities for illegal aliens, the first city to pass a resolution calling for a boycott of Arizona after that state passed a law to enforce federal immigration laws, the first California city to order its police department not to enforce state laws requiring drivers to have licenses to drive, the first American city to call on Congress to grant amnesty to all illegals.
Council meetings were conducted in Spanish. Maywood was the leader in the peaceful, democratic achievement of the La Raza goal to take power in the U.S.
The City of Maywood started out quite differently. Back after World War II, Maywood was a booming blue-collar town with good jobs, a multi-ethnic suburb of Los Angeles.
On the 25th anniversary in 1949 of Maywood's incorporation as a city, the town celebrated with a beard-growing contest, a rodeo, and wrestling matches in City Park. Chrysler operated an assembly plant there until 1971.
But the early 1970s saw these industrial jobs in aerospace, auto and furniture manufacturing, and food processing evaporate under the pressure of higher taxes, increased local and state regulation, and the attraction of cheaper land and cheaper labor elsewhere.
The multi-ethnic Maywood of the post-war years was transformed in the ’80s and ’90s by wave after wave of Hispanic immigrants, many of them illegal.
In August 2006, a "Save Our State" anti-illegal immigration rally in Maywood drew hundreds of protesters—but a larger number of defenders of illegal immigration. The pro-illegal protesters carried signs which read "We are Indigenous ! The ONLY owners of this Continent!" and "Racist Pilgrims Go Home" and "All Europeans are Illegal Here."
According to newspaper reports at the time, objectors to illegal aliens were subject to physical attacks. A 70-year-old man was "slashed," a woman attacked, and cars vandalized. Pro-illegal demonstrators raised the Mexican flag at the U.S. Post Office.
The illegal population and their sympathizers became increasingly radicalized. Elections to the City Council saw "assimilationist" incumbent Hispanic council members ousted by La Raza supporting radical challengers.
For years, the Maywood City Council authorized police checkpoints to stop drunk driving. Drivers without licenses had their cars impounded. Illegals in California cannot get drivers licenses. By 2005, the number of such impounds were in the hundreds. A community campaign was launched forcing the City Council to suspend the checkpoints.
Cars were still being impounded whenever a police traffic-violation stop resulted in a driver without a license. Felipe Aguirre, a community activist with Comite Pro-Uno, an "immigration service center," coordinated a new campaign against any impounds. He was elected in 2005 to the City Council. He is the mayor of Maywood today.
Aguirre and a new majority of the council dismantled the Traffic Department. Illegals were given overnight-parking permits and impounds stopped. You didn't need a license to drive in Maywood. The Los Angeles Times wrote glowingly of this "progress" in a story entitled "Welcome to Maywood, Where Roads Open Up For Immigrants".
The Maywood Police Department was restructured by the new council. A new chief and new officers were hired. Later it turned out that many of the new officers had previously been fired from other law enforcement agencies for a variety of infractions. The Maywood P.D. was known as the "Department of Second Chances."
Among those hired was a former L.A. Sheriff's deputy terminated for abusing jail inmates; a former LAPD officer fired for intimidating a witness; and an ex-Huntington Park officer charged with negligently discharging a handgun and driving drunk.
Even the L.A. Times called the Maywood Police Department a "haven for misfit cops." Their story alleged that a veteran officer was extorting sex from relatives of a criminal fugitive; that another officer tried to run over the president of the Maywood Police Commission; and that another officer has impregnated a teenage police-explorer scout.
Charges of corruption and favoritism led to one recall of city council members and threats of more recalls are heard to this day.
Maywood is represented in the state Senate by Democrat "One Bill" Gil Cedillo. He earned the nickname by introducing every year in the state legislature a bill to grant drivers licenses to illegals. Maywood is represented in Congress by Democrat Lucille Roybal-Allard, a staunch advocate of amnesty for illegals.
Today, Maywood is broke. Its police department dismantled along with all other city departments and personnel. Only the city council remains and a city manager to manage the contracts with other agencies for city services in Maywood.
Maywood is the warning of what happens when illegal immigrants, resisting assimilation as Americans, bring with their growing numbers the corruption and the radical politics of their home countries. Add the radical home-grown anti-Americanism of Hispanic "leaders" and groups like La Raza and you get schools where learning is replaced with indoctrination, business and jobs replaced by welfare and gangs, and a poisonous stew of entitlement politics.
In too many American communities, this sad tale is all too familiar.
June 25, 2010, Roger Hedgecock http://www.alipac.us/article-5396-thread-1-0.html
2008 Maywood video
Saturday, July 3, 2010
What If Arizona Were Quebec?
By Michael Filozof
Friday, July 2, 2010
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Overwhelm the system
Barach Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.
Barack Obama is my college classmate ( Columbia University, class of '83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University . They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.
-- Universal health care. The health care bill had very little to do with health care. It had everything to do with unionizing millions of hospital and health care workers, as well as adding 15,000 to 20,000 new IRS agents (who will join government employee unions). Obama doesn't care that giving free health care to 30 million Americans will add trillions to the national debt. What he does care about is that it cements the dependence of those 30 million voters to Democrats and big government. Who but a socialist revolutionary would pass this reckless spending bill in the middle of a depression?
-- Cap and trade. Like health care legislation having nothing to do with health care, cap and trade has nothing to do with global warming. It has everything to do with redistribution of income, government control of the economy and a criminal payoff to Obama's biggest contributors. Those powerful and wealthy unions and contributors (like GE, which owns NBC, MSNBC and CNBC) can then be counted on to support everything Obama wants. They will kick-back hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions to Obama and the Democratic Party to keep them in power. The bonus is that all the new taxes on Americans with bigger cars, bigger homes and businesses helps Obama "spread the wealth around."
-- Make Puerto Rico a state. Why? Who's asking for a 51st state? Who's asking for millions of new welfare recipients and government entitlement addicts in the middle of a depression? Certainly not American taxpayers. But this has been Obama's plan all along. His goal is to add two new Democrat senators, five Democrat congressman and a million loyal Democratic voters who are dependent on big government.
-- Legalize 12 million illegal immigrants. Just giving these 12 million potential new citizens free health care alone could overwhelm the system and bankrupt America . But it adds 12 million reliable new Democrat voters who can be counted on to support big government. Add another few trillion dollars in welfare, aid to dependent children, food stamps, free medical, education, tax credits for the poor, and eventually Social Security.
-- Stimulus and bailouts. Where did all that money go? It went to Democrat contributors, organizations (ACORN), and unions -- including billions of dollars to save or create jobs of government employees across the country. It went to save GM and Chrysler so that their employees could keep paying union dues. It went to AIG so that Goldman Sachs could be bailed out (after giving Obama almost $1 million in contributions). A staggering $125 billion went to teachers (thereby protecting their union dues). All those public employees will vote loyally Democrat to protect their bloated salaries and pensions that are bankrupting America . The country goes broke, future generations face a bleak future, but Obama, the Democrat Party, government, and the unions grow more powerful. The ends justify the means.
-- Raise taxes on small business owners, high-income earners, and job creators. Put the entire burden on only the top 20 percent of taxpayers, redistribute the income, punish success, and reward those who did nothing to deserve it (except vote for Obama). Reagan wanted to dramatically cut taxes in order to starve the government. Obama wants to dramatically raise taxes to starve his political opposition.
With the acts outlined above, Obama and his regime have created a vast and rapidly expanding constituency of voters dependent on big government; a vast privileged class of public employees who work for big government; and a government dedicated to destroying capitalism and installing themselves as socialist rulers by overwhelming the system.